Saturday, August 4, 2007

Back With More After The Break...

I was exiting a CBD pub the other night. I'd had just the one and was walking around the block to meet a friend outside of a popular live music venue. There was quite a cool wind blowing through the streets. Not too many people around. An air of positive anticipation warmed me, along with the drink. A man approached me and told me some startling news. I should point out that he was attired fairly regularly. He didn't slur his words. He imparted his information clearly, walking uninvited next to me and then peeling off at a pedestrian crossing on a major intersection once he had got his point across. This un-named man warned me not to drink the coffee at McDonalds because they were, in his words, "putting snakes in it". Why this fact wasn't widely known, he elaborated, was due to the fact that all of his thoughts were being sucked out of his brain by the secret services and/or aliens. He wasn't totally coherent on this point, or some others, which really confirms it was happening. Being near a police station, I suggested that he possibly inform them about the coffee danger (it being quite a major public health issue), however he said they couldn't be trusted. Some sort of similar mind control was being exerted upon them, too. So I'm just putting it out there. I don't personally have a problem with McDonalds, having eaten there several times. I don't think I've ever had the coffee, though, so I may be safe. He also was not clear if this was a local or global issue. Despite this alarming incident I still enjoyed the concert. It really goes to show how complacent humans can be in the face of incredible danger.

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